

Warranty Period Management


Warranty Period Management

 Our experience advises that the project guarantee period should be managed by those who coordinated the previous phases, under the penalty of diluting the responsibilities of the different players.


After Provisional Handover and during the five years until the Definitive Handover of the Project, BYVISION proposes a service comprising the following activities:


  1. Receipt and identification of any complaints by customers and analysis for confirmation of whether they are due to construction defects
  2. Ensure with the Contractor, if it is its responsibility, the repair of construction defects in good time and coordinate with the Clients these interventions
  3. Solve with third parties and under the contract (debiting or triggering guarantees), the repair of defects, in case the Contractor does not resolve them within the established deadlines
  4. Support the Clients of the projects in small works of "fit-out" so as not to question the Contractor guarantee
  5. Make the Definitive Handover of the Project and prepare the respective form